Masters, Pharmacy
No job done

I have more than 8 years of experience in tutoring which I mostly do beside my primary job. I like to teach and also to gain knowledge from the...

No job done

As a professional freelance tutor, I bring over 4 years of extensive experience in finance and accounting. My expertise lies in areas such as...

Bachelors, Computer Science Engineering
No job done

I am currently pursuing my 6th semester in Lovely Professional University in Computer Science Engineering. I am well aware of computer science...

Bachelors, Chemical Engineering
No job done

I have a tutoring experience on Unacademy platform for 2 months.

Masters (MS), Technology
No job done

I have been online tutor for past 6 months. I am a trained mechanical engineer. I have conceptual clarity and love to solve problems. I have...

Bachelors, B.Tech
No job done

Hello everyone ! Myself Sonu Choudhary, an Indian experienced maths tutor. I am a graduate of electrical engineering from Rajasthan Technical...

Bachelors, Renewable Energy And...
No job done

I have been tutoring for over 2 years now and have experience with a wide range of subjects and students. I have a Bachelor's Degree in...

Bachelors (Hons), Physics
No job done

I have given private tuition to high school kids for an year. I have a pretty good in depth understanding in physics concepts and loves to solve...

Masters, Mathematics
No job done

I have an experience of six years working as a teacher in coaching and also did teaching in some schools as a subject teachers of maths and...

Bachelors (BS), Business Administration
No job done

Economics is my favorite subject to teach. I believe Economics can be made very easy when we think about it logically. During my 2014 O'Levels...

Bachelors, B.Tech
No job done

Tutoring at Chegg india for 1 years ...It was great experience..

Bachelors, Chemistry
No job done

I have worked as a tutor . And i have a unique style of solving problems. I like challenges and try to solve in a simple way . I teach in a fun...

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