Bachelors, Pure And Applied Sciences
No job done

I have an experience of 6 years in my profession of tutoring, I served a position of science department for 2 years in meru university after...

Bachelors, Actuarial Science And...
No job done

I have been a statistics tutor for a while, basically Helping students understand technical parts or problems from various topics such as test...

Bachelors, BAS
No job done

I have exceptional skills in mathematics, statistics and computer programming languages such as python, R Software , Matlab , Mysql and...

Bachelors, Electrical And Electronics
No job done

Am an experienced writer having an experience of over five years. I deliver quality work with 0% plagiarism.

Bachelors, Computer Science
No job done

Patrick is a computer science graduate with diverse tutoring experience of more than 5 years in mathematics, Biology, Physics, data collection &...

Bachelors (BA), Information Technology
No job done

I am an academic writer. I provide outstanding and remarkable work. By the same token, I have a clear desire in supporting my students attain...

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