Bachelors, Bachelors Degree In Computer...
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I have been tutoring people for over 3years. I first started tutoring by teaching classmates english when I was in secondary. Soon afterwards it...

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With several years of experience as a tutor, I have worked with a diverse range of students with varying skill levels and backgrounds. My...

Bachelors (BS), BSCS
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Hello, my name is Naveed and I hold a degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS). I am proud to serve as a teacher at Aziz Fatimah...

Bachelors, Chemical Engineering
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My teaching experience is of 6 months ,giving tutuions to several grades for their exams.

Bachelors (BS), Bachelor Of Computer...
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I am currently one year away from acquiring my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I specialize in the field of computer vision and machine...

Bachelors, BTech
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I’m a talent acquisition specialist with an interest in IT Support. For over 5 years, I’ve been helping businesses find their perfect hires....

Masters (MS), Environmental Science
No job done

A friendly, approachable and hardworking individual with an exceptional interest in providing tutoring services to assist students in...

Bachelors (BS), BSc Mathematics
No job done

I am very well experienced in mathematics and computer based fields. I would love to help no matter what the given challenge maybe. I have a...

Masters, MA
No job done

I am professional Teacher.Working as a online as well as college professor .I teach different subjects in different classes and solved many...

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