Bachelors, Bachelors Degree In Computer...
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I have been tutoring people for over 3years. I first started tutoring by teaching classmates english when I was in secondary. Soon afterwards it...

Masters, M Tech CSE
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I am working in an educational institution where i teach computer science subjects. I want to explore recent technologies. I want to help...

Masters, Masters In Computer Science
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I had done Msc Cs And doing a job at College Level I am very kind hearted to my students my method of teaching is verly good Not so strict My...

Masters (MA), Pharmacy
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Hi,i am Nayan Das. I am a Pharmacist. I have 4 years job experience in this field. I have a knowledge about Science related subjects. I am a...

Bachelors, Computer Science And...
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I am a computer engineer graduate and a diploma holder having 80% marks. I like to learn new technologies and tools, and also like to help...

Bachelors, Commerce
No job done

My name is Sai Sundar Dora, I am complete my degree in 2018. I am study Bechlor of Commerce. .I have 2 years of experience in the field and an...

Masters, Master Of Technology
No job done

Since two years , I have been tutoring as a freelance Subject matter expert in the field of Computer science . I am well versed with...

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