Bachelors (BS), Electronics And...
No job done

I have worked in both the electronics and telecommunications industries for years, working in various industries as a freelancing engineer. I...

Masters, Master Of Engineering In...
No job done

I have around 6 years of teaching experience.

No job done

Generally I teach subjects from basic level to advance level with practical examples. Also I discuss the subjects with students elaborately with...

No job done

I had done my K12 in 2014 with 71.20%. Completed my Bachelors in 2019 with 63%.

Bachelors, Bachelor Of Technology
No job done

I have two and half year teaching experience. I have taught more than 100 students in this period. Generally i used to teach but in some...

Bachelors, BTech Biomedical Engineering
No job done

I'm a doctoral student at IIT Bombay, currently working on developing bio and chemical sensors to detect the presence of antibiotics in water...

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