Bachelors (BS), Economics And Finance
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I have extensive experience as a tutor, having worked with students of all ages and backgrounds. I have a proven track record of helping...

Bachelors (BS), Bachelor Of Science
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As a science graduate, my approach to home tutoring and addressing science-related questions is grounded in fostering a deep understanding of...

Masters, Master Of Science
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Hello there Muhammad Yasin here. I completed my Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at a highly regarded university as a regular Ph.D. student and...

Masters (MS), MPhil Organic Chemistry
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Hi, my name is Kamran Fateh. I have completed my MPhil in Organic Chemistry from a well-reputed university in Asia. I love to talk and ask...

Doctorate, Chemistry
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My aim would be to adequately walk through a given problem and find a solution through logic, rather than memorizing each question. With my...

Masters (MS), Integrated MSc Chemistry
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First of all, I have devoted five years to gain the knowledge of chemistry bottom-up at my University. After my undergraduate, I started...

Bachelors, BTech Chemical Engineering
No job done

At present I am pursuing my BTech final year in Chemical engineering. I tutored some of online platforms like Chegg, Course hero. I also tutored...

Masters (MS), Master Of Science
No job done

Chemistry seems like a boring, difficult, and arduous science, like other natural sciences. However, what if I told you that each of us has...

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