Bachelors (BS), Mathematical Statistics
23 Jobs

I am an Applied Statistics Master's student and, at the same time, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education student. I hold first-class honors in BS...

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I have four years practical experience analysing data. I design standard research questionnaires, extract data from questionnaires and survey...

Bachelors (BS), Economics
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Hello, I'm Francis K., a dedicated tutor, focused in achieve excellence in my students and grade A performance in their examination. As an...

Bachelors (BA), Economics-Mathematics...
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Coming from a family of teachers -- my mom teaches kindergarten and my father taught high school students -- I have always enjoyed the challenge...

Bachelors (BS), Bachelor Of Science In...
No job done

I studied Statistics in university of ilorin, kwara state and also being a current graduate. I'm into freelance and also experienced in...

Post-bachelor, Data Analysis
2 Jobs

I teach Statistics and Probability for students of my university ( Univerisity Centroamerican Jose Simeon Canas) in my free time and when...

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