Bachelors, Education
6 Jobs

I have been teaching for the last 5 years which has strengthened my interaction with students of different level.

Bachelors (BA), Urban And Regional...
No job done

I pride myself on being more than just an educator; I aim to be a mentor and a guide. My teaching philosophy is centered around encouraging...

For the longest time, my hobby has been writing, and I am deeply passionate about it. As a writer, I believe in giving my students the best...

Bachelors (BA), Bachelor Of Arts...
No job done

I like studying and reading novels that would enhance me arts and creativity and content creator

Bachelors, Bed Arts
No job done

I am a self motivated financial professional knowledgeable in; preparation of financial reports, reconciling and managing accounts, maintaining...

Masters (MA), MA Urdu
No job done

I have teaches last 5 year in difference Colleges and universities. I'm principal in secondary school last 2 year.

Bachelors, BAE
No job done

As a consequence of more than three years of experience in ACADEMIC WRITING, I have vast, diverse knowledge and impeccable grammar. I guarantee...

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