From the following trial balance taken after one month of operation, prepare an income statement, a statement of owner's equity, and a balancesheet. TJ's Paint
From the following trial balance taken after one month of operation, prepare an income statement, a statement of owner's equity, and a balancesheet.
TJ's Paint Service Trial Balance July 31, 20-- ACCOUNT GHIT BALANCE ACCOUNT LE DEBTRALANCE NO. 4300 00 Cash 101 1100 00 800 00 900 00 Accounts Receivable 122 Supplies Paint Equipment Accounts Payable 141 183 2|15 0 00 3 205 00 202 TJ Ulza, Capital TJ Ulza, Drawing 311 500 00 312 3600 00 Painting Fees Wages Expense 401 900 00 250 00 511 Rent Expense 521 Telephone Expense 525 5|0 00 Transportation Expense Utilities Expense 60 00 70 00 526 533 Miscellaneous Expense 25 00 895 5 00 549 8 9 55 00
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