Does the media influence your attitude toward tanning? Refer to the Basic and Applied Social Psychology (May
Does the media influence your attitude toward tanning?
Refer to the Basic and Applied Social Psychology (May 2010) study of whether product advertisements influence consumers’ attitudes toward tanning, Exercise 10.33 (p. 552).
Recall that college students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: view product advertisements featuring models with a tan, view product advertisements featuring models without a tan, or view products advertised with no models. An ANOVA F-test revealed that the mean attitude LO4 toward tanning differed across the conditions. The researchers followed up this analysis with a multiple comparisons of means using an experimentwise error rate of .05. These results are summarized below. Fully interpret the results.
Does it appear that the type of product advertisement can influence a consumer’s attitude toward tanning?
Mean: 2.11 2.40 2.50 Condition: Models/No Tan Tanned Models No Models
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