(Appendices) INCOME EFFECTS OF UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS. The credit manager and the accountant for Goldsmith Company are attempting to assess the effect on net income of
(Appendices) INCOME EFFECTS OF UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS. The credit manager and the accountant for Goldsmith Company are attempting to assess the effect on net income of writing off $100,000 of receivables. Goldsmith uses the aging method of determining uncollectible account expense and has the following aging schedule for its accounts receivable at December 31, 19x4:LO25 The receivables being considered for write-off are all over 60 days past due. lol REQUIRED:
1. Assume that the tax rate is 30%. What will be the effect on net income if the
$100,000 is written off?
2. What data would you examine to provide some assurance that a company was not holding uncollectible accounts in its accounts receivable rather than writing them off when they are determined to be uncollectible?
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