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1. A developer in your company is building a new application and has asked you if it should use TCP- or UDP-based communications. Provide her

1. A developer in your company is building a new application and has asked you if it should use TCP- or UDP-based communications. Provide her with a brief discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each protocol.

2. Your boss wants to know if DHCP is appropriate for both server and PC environments. Provide her with your opinion and be sure to include a discussion of how DHCP works.

3. Describe the three basic types of network topologies and provide a sample diagram of each type.

4. Describe the three-way handshake process used to initiate TCP connections.

5. Your boss wants to know how subnetting works. Provide her with a brief description and be sure to include an example to illustrate how subnetting works.

Please note that the requirement here is to write a paper.

Step by Step Solution

There are 3 Steps involved in it

Step: 1

TCP TCP is a protocol of connectionoriented transport This makes the data deliver without error without omission and in sequence Advantages It provides reliable transport of bitstream between applicat... blur-text-image
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