1. Bringing reform in a highly centralized organization please respond to the following: Analyze two (2) major pressures that a public leader faces from shareholders,
1. "Bringing reform in a highly centralized organization" please respond to the following: Analyze two (2) major pressures that a public leader faces from shareholders, customers, stakeholders, and employees. Propose two to three (2-3) key actions that public leaders can take in order to maintain a leadership style in the face of such pressures. Justify your response.
2. Compare the U.S. health system that you have researched to the centralized healthcare in European health systems. Propose two (2) strategies a public leader can address regarding both health systems in order to make each structure more cost effective and operationally efficient. Provide a rationale for your response.
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1 There several main pressures those public leaders are faced with However in my view public leaders should draw their pressures from public criticism in most cases if the criticism is uniform The mai...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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