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1. Discussion about Money and Banking: Think about each of the following and explain why each may or may not be money: cows, stones, silver

1. Discussion about Money and Banking: Think about each of the following and explain why each may or may not be "money:" cows, stones, silver coins, grain, and papyrus.

2. Discussion about Investment and risk: Consider your daily activities- as a consumer, student, parent, friend, homeowner, renter, car driver, employee, etc. and think about five ways you are involved with information technology systems in these activities. Share THREE information technology encounters in which you revealed personal information that could have been used to steal your identity. What makes some encounters riskier than others? What steps might you take to reduce your risk in these situations?

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1 Though cows stones silver coins grain papyrus are no longer considered as money they can serve as money for various reasons One these items have a c... blur-text-image
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