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1. What are some of the universal ideas in ancient Greek drama that speak to Contemporary audiences why do you think these plays continue to

1. What are some of the universal ideas in ancient Greek drama that speak to

Contemporary audiences why do you think these plays continue to be staged today?

2. What is a ''tragic hero''? Why is Oedipus a tragic hero?

3. What is the final message (the moral lesson) of Oedipus Rex?

4. Compare the text and film versions of Oedipus Rex. Which version did you prefer?

INTRODUCTION TO DRAMA - SUMMER 2015 I. Choose the correct answer. 1. The Greek plays were performed during the festival of the god a. Apollo b. Dionysus c. Zeus 2. The word "tragedy" comes from the Greek word tragos, which means a. wine b. fate c. goat. 3. The three great Greek writers of tragedies were a. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides b. Aristophanes, Sophocles, and Pericles c. Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato 4. The Oresteia tells the story of the House of Atreus and the family of a. Kreon b. Oedipus C. Agamemnon 5. Oedipus is the ruler of a. Thebes b. Corinth c. Athens 6. The Poetics, the first great example of dramatic criticism, was written by a. Aristotle b. Sophocles c. Socrates

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Step: 1

Oedipus Rex 1 The Greek plays were performed during the festival of the god B Dionysus 2 The word tragedy comes from the Greek word tragos which means C goat 3 The three great Greek Writers of Tragedi... View full answer

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