A local court reviewed the arrests for unlawful possession of marijuana and found that more than half occurred as a result of a traffic stop.
A local court reviewed the arrests for unlawful possession of marijuana and found that more than half occurred as a result of a traffic stop. They also found that the number of males arrested for unlawful possession of marijuana far outnumbered the number of female arrested.
There has been a suggestion that marijuana is safer than alcohol: Marijuana Is Less Harmful than Alcohol.
If you ask drug-abusers why they use -- even though they know it is illegal -- they will commonly answer: "Because using drugs feels good" or "Because my friends do drugs."
Consider the theories that suggest that drug abuse is societal, psychological or medical in origin. If the cause is psychological or medical, is the criminal law the appropriate means for dealing with drug abuse?Step by Step Solution
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Drug Abuse as a Conduct I am in team A which argues that drug abuse is a conduct and should be punished by state laws According to drug facts marijuana is defined as dried leaves or seeds from cannabi...83% of Social Sciences Students Improved their GPA!
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