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Assume you are a manager in a large Middle East manufacturing organization. You have been asked to consider outsourcing a division of the organization to

Assume you are a manager in a large Middle East manufacturing organization. You have been asked to consider outsourcing a division of the organization to another country. Describe the steps you would take in evaluating this decision. Explore whether or not you would use prescriptive or descriptive decision-making and explain your reasoning. Evaluate the critical thinking skills you believe would be necessary to make this decision. You must demonstrate your ability to describe the steps you would take in the decision-making process rather than merely providing an answer to this scenario. You must tie in the concepts gained in the course and integrate those concepts throughout the main body of your discussion?

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Outsourcing a Division Introduction Big manufacturing companies of Middle East have majored in outsourcing all over the world It is a practice that helps the companies to reduce the cost of business p... blur-text-image
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