Describe your symptoms of stress for each dimension of health below. 1. Physical- What happens to your body under stress (i.e. back pain. Insomnia, hunger)
Describe your symptoms of stress for each dimension of health below.
1. Physical- What happens to your body under stress (i.e. back pain. Insomnia, hunger)
2. Emotional- Now do you feel under stress (i.e. irritable, worried, crying spells)
3. Social- What does stress does to your relationships? (I.e. Do you argue more, isolate, get demanding)
4. Intellectual/Mental- What does stress to your mind? (I.e. forgetful, can't comprehend, disorganized thoughts)
5. Spiritual- How does stress affect your spiritual life? (I.e. losing faith, feeling alone)
6. Behavioral (any behaviors not listed above) How do you behave when stressed? (Yelling, negative attitude, nagging others, drinking/smoking)
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Introduction Stress usually refers to physical response of the body Thus it is notable that when an individual is under stress the body creates a perception that it has been attacked and this makes it ...83% of Social Sciences Students Improved their GPA!
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