Evaluate a Quality Management System. Choose an Easy good organization that is ISO 9001:2008 certified or in the process of getting certified and audit their
Evaluate a Quality Management System. Choose an Easy good organization that is ISO 9001:2008 certified or in the process of getting certified and audit their Quality Management system based on the said ISO requirements.
A. Introduction
B. Vision and Mission of the organization, detailing the core business of the organization
C. Proposed structural and operational changes in the organization and due to external changes (PESTLE)
D. Overview of the QMS and quality manual/ approaches to quality management
E. Existing QMS – its scope, quality policy and quality objectives
F. Changes which are mandatory and non -mandatory in the QMS
G. How these changes will affect the customers and suppliers
H. What does top management do to create awareness of the employees in the light of these changes?
I. What critical proposals will your group suggest to the organization for improvements?
J. What will the organization benefit from the changes you propose?
K. Conclusion.
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