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Evaluate alternative energy sources and to understand that there are positives and negatives to the alternatives. Write a report on fossil fuel in which you

Evaluate alternative energy sources and to understand that there are positives and negatives to the alternatives.

Write a report on fossil fuel in which you outline the pros and cons of this method of energy production.

Identify and analyze the economic considerations (such as the cost per kilowatt for large-scale renewable energy source, costs of construction, and so forth) of using this method of energy production. What are the environmental benefits of this energy source? What are the environmental downsides, if any, to this renewable energy technology? Analyze the risks to human health associated with this technology. What conclusions have you reached with regards to this topic, and why?

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Introduction Renewable energy sources unlike fossil fuel nonrenewable and other forms of energy regenerate or are the type of energy that can be reused over and over without them being exhausted Renew... blur-text-image
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Answered: 3 weeks ago