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Have you ever thought of the importance of purpose driven life? A leader without a purpose ends up failing to accomplish his/her goals and values.

Have you ever thought of the importance of purpose driven life? A leader without a purpose ends up failing to accomplish his/her goals and values. The purpose defines your life and keeps you focused on your talents and dreams. It is both short term and long term in that it covers your entire life dimensions. A purposeful leader is not directed by greed for power and wealth. He is more oriented to serving. All he wants is to reap the rewards of his serving. Without a purpose, self-interests, greed, and ego will be part of your leadership. In the long term, they result to fall.

For the above reasons and many others, you have to define your life purpose. Remember, a purpose that is so small results into minute results. Your purpose should go beyond your personal abilities. Beyond your dreams, values, and goals, let your purpose be valid i.e. it should be ideal when expressed to your subjects. After defining your purpose, have confidence in it that everything stated in it is possible. With this, you will be persistent in your leadership. Govern while empowering others to follow your purpose. Allow others to grow.

Besides, your goals should align themselves to your main purpose. Examine your values, goals, objectives and leadership principles before defining your purpose. You can create it from the four essential concepts mentioned. You may also consider identifying your weaknesses, shortcomings, strengths, resource endowment and personality in realizing your purpose. Do not walk like a blind leader.

Answer the following questions:

1. Which are those activities that you are passionate about in your life?

2. You may have thought of ways of making a difference in the world. Explain how.

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1 Am always passionate about serving people without necessarily expecting returns from them I also l... blur-text-image
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