Randall Fris worked as a seaman on an Exxon shipping co. oil tanker for eight years without incident. One night, he boarded the ship for
Randall Fris worked as a seaman on an Exxon shipping co. oil tanker for eight years without incident. One night, he boarded the ship for duty while intoxicated, in violation of company policy. This policy also allowed Exxon to discharge employees who were intoxicated and thus unfit for work. Exxon discharged Fris. Under a contract with Fris's union, the discharge was submitted to arbitration. The arbitrators ordered Exxon to reinstate Fris on an oil tanker. Exxon filed a suit against the union, challenging the award as contrary to public policy, which opposes having intoxicated persons operate seagoing vessels. Can a court set aside an arbitration award on the ground that the award violates public policy? Should the court set aside the case? Explain.
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Key Facts and Issues One night a sea man Fris had been working in Exxon shipping Co for late eight year boarded on the boat during in the night shift ...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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