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Respond to these two responses about Altering Human Senses. 1). I would alter peoples' sense of hearing. Auditory localization is the process of locating the

Respond to these two responses about “Altering Human Senses”.

1). I would alter peoples' sense of hearing. Auditory localization is the process of locating the source of the sound in a space. If you were to increase peoples' auditory localization, people would be much better at identifying where a sound is coming from. This would be extremely useful in the medical field. If a doctor could listen to the different phases of a heartbeat they would be able to eliminate the use of EKG's and ECG's. This would allow doctors to not only check your heart rate without a stethoscope, but they also could gain all of the knowledge they get from the ECG readings without any equipment. The main drawback to extreme localized hearing is that it would then be very challenging for the doctor to focus on your heart's beating, because they would have too much noise interference. They would be receiving too much input at once and would not be able to concentrate. That being said, I feel that the medical field would be the best use of advanced sensory input.

2). Technology has made life very easy when it comes to improving things that we use on a daily basis. Such as the Lasik eye surgery for people who do not have the best eye sight, or hearing aids for people who have lost their hearing. Even though we have the availability for these objects, there should be ways to improve these senses without depending on technology.

I would consider altering the hearing of soldiers, super-spies, or even the basic human. By improving your hearing, you allow yourself to know more. If you are out in the field during a battle, improving your hearing will let you hear the little things that happen around you that you may have not heard before. According to Audicus, solving puzzles help sharpen your hearing. Research has shown that there are links between hearing and mental conditions such as anxiety and depression. Like muscles, your brain needs a good workout to stay strong. When it comes to down sides there are a few things that would come into effect. For instance, when a bomb would be let off during the battle your ears would be sensitive to the sound because you would hear it very clearly. In today's society, people may not want to alter their hearing without technology due to the fact that they rather improve their hearing the easy way with surgery or the basic hearing aids.

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