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Write a reflective paper discussing every dimension of health and including any assessment results that were surprising or of significance to you, identifying a domain

Write a reflective paper discussing every dimension of health and including any assessment results that were surprising or of significance to you, identifying a domain in which you would like to increase your score during this semester, and discussing why you think it is important to make a change.

In your paper, you should include very specific examples of the goals you would like to achieve, how you might go about making changes to achieve those goals, and discuss how you intend to overcome barriers that you foresee.

Focus on any dimension of health, specific goals and how you would like to improve by providing detail and behaviors. Include how each dimension of health will help you reach your goals. You should use information from the first chapter to support your statements?

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Reflection Paper Introduction Despite the fact that we all recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy life it is challenging to determine which behaviors to adopt and which are most likely to c... blur-text-image
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Answered: 3 weeks ago