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Write the organizational section of your project paper. This section should include: The organizations mission and vision (business plan write a mission statement) the

Write the organizational section of your project paper. This section should include:

The organization’s mission and vision (business plan – write a mission statement) the organization's structure –

How does this compare to competitors?

Based on the organization's structure - How receptive to change will the organization be? The management chart showing levels and responsibility.

What type of organization is it (matrix, hierarchical or something else?) a description of employees and/or headcount in the organization: for the company analysis: how diverse is the company’s workforce? Leadership?

Is diversity company-wide or are certain levels or positions more or less diverse than others?

For the business plan: How will you incorporate diversity into your organization?

Discussion on concepts such as leadership, management, and role theories - how they are reflected in the organization?

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Organizational Section Mission Statement The proposed new Airlines mission is to fill the growing air travel market and cargo between Western and the Southern Europe to achieve handsome profits while ... blur-text-image
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