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You are planning to deliver a speech to a group of college freshmen on the topic of how to stick to a budget. 1. Write

You are planning to deliver a speech to a group of college freshmen on the topic of how to stick to a budget.

1. Write a paper in which you identify the type of introductory and concluding techniques that would be the most effective for this speech and explain your reasoning.

2. Write one page addressing the following questions: how would the elements of your speech change if the audience were college seniors? College students hear a lot of speeches geared toward them about finances. How could you either present new information or present it in a way that would hold their interest? What techniques would you employ in the outline to engage the audience?

3. Create the outline for this speech.

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1 Presenting a speech to a group of college freshmen is different from presenting a speech to seniors or professionals who are in the industry already The choice of words the length of speech the use ... blur-text-image
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