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Read the case titled: Risk Management on a Satellite Development Project and answer the following questions: 1. Suggest the issues that could have developed had

Read the case titled: “Risk Management on a Satellite Development Project” and answer the following questions:

1. Suggest the issues that could have developed had the team not had a risk plan. Determine the major impacts of risk that the team needs to understand for the project to be successful.

2. Justify the value of risk plan considering the time, effort, cost, and resources it took to develop such a plan. If you were the project manager, recommend the approach that you would take to ensure the project met the critical path identified.

3. Assess how to determine the level of risk management appropriate for a project.

4. Imagine the team working on the satellite development project was a virtual team in which team members were unable to meet in person. Explain the expected impact on the project, and suggest two ways the team could  maintain its current goal in both planning and execution.

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