17. S T D -3 -2 graph of glx) 2 The graph of the continuous function g is shown above for -46x4. The Function
17. S T D -3 -2 graph of glx) 2 The graph of the continuous function g is shown above for -46x4. The Function g is twice differentiable, except at x=0. let & be the function with flo1=-2 and f'(x) = x-2x-3. A. Find the x-coordinate of each critical point of f. Classify each point as the location of a relative minimum, relative maximum or neither. Justify answer B. Find all values of x at which the graph of has a point of inflection. Justify. C. Fill in the missing entries in the table below to describe the behavior of g' and gu on the interval -4x4. X -42x20 X=0 OLX24 X=4 g(x) b Positive Positive 81(x) 0 - 0 gicx) 0 undefined 0 D. Let h be the function defined by h(x)= F(x)g(x). Is h increasing or decreasing at x=0? Give a reason for your answer.
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