2. Justify the following in terms of impulse and momentum: a. Why are padded dashboards safer in automobiles? b. Why are nylon ropes, which
2. Justify the following in terms of impulse and momentum: a. Why are padded dashboards safer in automobiles? b. Why are nylon ropes, which stretch considerably under stress, favored by mountain climbers? c. Why is it preferred that railroad cars be loosely coupled with slack between cars? 3. A rocket, weighing 4.36 x 104 N, has an engine that provides an upward force of 8.90 x 105 N. It reaches a maximum speed of 860 m/s. a. Draw a force diagram for the rocket. b. Calculate how long must the engine burn in order to reach this speed. 4. If a commercial 18-wheeler truck and a Kia traveling at equal speeds have a head-on collision. a. Which vehicle will experience the greatest force of impact? Justify your answer. b. Which will experience the greatest change in momentum? Justify your answer. c. Which will experience the greatest acceleration? Justify your answer.
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