2. Make a short list of trusted certificate authorities. You may find CAs by conducting an internet search, or you can visit popular eBusiness sites
2. Make a short list of trusted certificate authorities. You may find CAs by conducting an internet search, or you can visit popular eBusiness sites and find the CA that they use. Based on the information you find, identify 3-5 trusted CAs and focus your analysis on the certificates they offer.
3. Compare the SSL certificates available. The SSL certificates and supporting services provided by CAs vary from one vendor to another. Make a list of the key features of each SSL certificate and take notes on how those features differ from one provider to another. For example, your list might include a comparison of the following features:
a. Price of certificate
b. Level of security, e.g., how is security measured?
c. Browser compatibility
d. Customer Visibility, e.g., how will the customer know that the site is secure?
e. Support Services, e.g., customer support, warranty, fraud protection, etc.
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