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4. We are given the following joint distribution over the random variables A, B, C, and D. Please answer the following questions. Show the


4. We are given the following joint distribution over the random variables A, B, C, and D. Please answer the following questions. Show the necessary tables. You can (and should) share computations between different parts of the question. Usage of TableCPD is recommended A T B C D P(A,B,C,D) T T T 0.0448 T T T F 0.0252 T T F T 0.0112 T T F F 0.0588 T F T T 0.0144 T F T F 0.0144 T F F T 0.0096 T F F F 0.0216 F T T T 0.1024 F T T F 0.0576 F T F T 0.0256 F T F F 0.1344 F F T T 0.1152 F F T F 0.1152 F F F T 0.0768 F F F F 0.1728 a. Are A and B independent? b. Are A and C independent? c. Are A and C independent given B? d. Are A and D independent? e. Are A and D independent given C?

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There are 3 Steps involved in it

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a Are A and B independent From the table we can see that the joint probabilities PABCD do not factor... blur-text-image

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