7. A psychiatrist is testing a new ADHD Medication, which seems to have the potentially harmful side effect of increasing the heart rate. For
7. A psychiatrist is testing a new ADHD Medication, which seems to have the potentially harmful side effect of increasing the heart rate. For a sample of 50 clinical study participants whose pulse was measured after 6 weeks of taking the drug, the mean heart rate was 70 beats per minute (bpm). If the mean heart rate for the population is 72 bpm with a standard deviation of 12, can the psychiatrist conclude that the new drug increases heart rate significantly? (Set a = .05 and perform a one-tailed test.) Please draw the bell curve. Mark the center with a line, include the mean, mark the standard deviations, and the approximate points of the critical value. Determine where the observed value falls relative to the critical value. You may draw on a piece of paper and submit an image in the box below. You must show work for full credit. I
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