A three-phase transmission line of a 60 Hz circuit has a length of 370 km (230 miles). the conductors are of the 795,000cm (54/7)
A three-phase transmission line of a 60 Hz circuit has a length of 370 km (230 miles). the conductors are of the 795,000cm (54/7) type with horizontal spacing of 25 feet between them. The load on the line is 150MW, at 215KV, with a power factor of 0.9 lagging. It is installed at sea level with a temperature of 35 C. Its electrical parameters of the line are R= 0.13 02/mile, X=0.82 /mile and Y=5.2 s/mile. Mechanical parameters: outer diameter 27.76 mm breaking stress 12,928 kg, approximate weight 1524 kg/Kmt By the method of long lines a) the voltage, current, power at the generating end b) regulation of the line c) losses due to corona effect d) determine the equivalent circuit e) found in line voltage regulation when a series capacitor bank compensates 70% of the line
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