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Analyse the need and want(s) that led you to research products or services that would address the state of your imbalance. 2. Examine the internal

Analyse the need and want(s) that led you to research products or services that would address the state of your imbalance. 2. Examine the internal and external sources of information by including screenshots of external sources of information to support your analysis and an indication of all potential alternatives at the end of this section. 3. Evaluate alternatives and narrow down the chosen product or service attributes that fulfil your need and want. You must provide a detailed awareness set diagram to present your findings. 4. Examine available purchase methods to determine how these methods may or could have impacted your decision-making process. 5. Evaluate your post-purchase behaviour by identifying the chosen product or service features that reduce your cognitive dissonance. Please note that in this step, customer satisfaction should not be considered.

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