As a member of the design team, I worked on a project to modify electrical switches. The Design Team consists of three members, namely a
As a member of the design team, I worked on a project to modify electrical switches. The Design Team consists of three members, namely a Coordinator, a Designer, and a Design Analyst. It was my responsibility to study the various designs in the market and come up with a new design. However, my fellow team member (Sachith-Designer) never agreed to my ideas because of his concern for design complexity. To resolve the issues, we met with our coordinator a few times. Sachith and I agreed to make the fewest possible changes that were approved by marketing and OEM (original equipment manufacturer). (n.d.)
In these cases, you're more likely to give up some or most of what you want to resolve the conflict quickly. It's not about finding the perfect solution, just one that's "good enough" to move forward with the least amount of fallout. The use of compromise as a conflict resolution tactic should be done sparingly because it can cause resentment, especially if it is overused. As both parties have to give up something, this is arguably a fair and equal way of resolving a conflict. However, the resolution is often unsatisfactory and temporary since it does not address the root cause of the problem. (5 Conflict Management Styles Every Manager Must Know [Guide], 2021)
c. strengths :
1. Improves the quality of working relationships and reduces the strain on otherwise positive relationships
2. Eventually, there will be a resolution that is "good enough" so that the focus can be returned to other issues that are more urgent or important
d. weaknesses :
- There is likely to be a sense of unsatisfaction or slight frustration left behind, which may lead to further conflicts in the future from this conflict
- In the long run, however, it is not the best solution because it compromises the outcome due to the need to be fair and equal, whatever the consequences may be. (Compromising Conflict Style: A Brief Overview, 2021)
Provide two reasons why you would like to work with their style and why (use examples)
Provide two reasons why you WOULD NOT like to work with their style and why not (use examples)
Step by Step Solution
There are 3 Steps involved in it
Step: 1
Reasons I Would Like to Work with the Compromise Style 1 Balanced Resolution Approach The compromise style offers a balanced way of resolving conflict...See step-by-step solutions with expert insights and AI powered tools for academic success
Step: 2
Step: 3
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