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Company: Viventium Explain which metrics you recommend tracking and why. For example, these are the 3 to 5 metrics I've chosen; I'm tracking this

Company: Viventium


Explain which metrics you recommend tracking and why. For example, "these are the 3 to 5 metrics I've chosen; I'm tracking this because it does X, thereby bringing me closer to the end goal, which is a 15% increase in sales." Remember, just because social metrics are easy to measure, that doesn't make them the most valuable and meaningful.

  1. Includes the Broader Business Goals and the 3-5 Marketing SMART Goals for your influencer outreach campaign or brand ambassador program
    • Sets the timetable you will use to assess the goals
    • Reiterates the broader business goals that your influencer outreach / brand ambassador program will further
  2. Identifies which 3 to 5 metrics you are tracking
    • Think back to the "M" (measurable) from each of your SMART Goals
    • There should be at least one metric per SMART goal.
  3. Explains the tracking
    • Explains why you are tracking each of the specific metrics
      1. For each metric, explain why you recommend that the metric be tracked.
      2. What value does the metric provide?
    • Explains how you will track and gather the data for the each metric
      1. For each metric, explain how you will track it.
      2. What tools, software, analysis, etc. might you recommend?
    • Explains how each metric supports the marketing goal and a broader business goal
      1. For each metric, explain how it supports a specific marketing goal. Then explain how that marketing goals supports the boarder business goal.


Goal: Develop a strong online presence with Viventium's products and services that will enable the customer to save money and be more efficient with their independent digital activities 

SMART Goal: Increase brand awareness and user engagement by 20% within 6 months).


Goal: Solve technical problems easily with Viventium's products and services

SMART Goal: Increase number of customer service inquiries resolved within 7 days by 10% within 3 months


Goal: Easily identify and promote discount codes, special offers, and promotions that Viventium provides in order to save money.

SMART Goal: Increase use of discount codes and special offers by 15% within four months.

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