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Complete the Leadership Vision Questionnaire in Chapter 7 (p176). Reflect on your results and complete the following prompts: Share the results from your questionnaire. Be
Complete the "Leadership Vision Questionnaire" in Chapter 7 (p176). Reflect on your results and complete the following prompts: Share the results from your questionnaire. Be sure to include the final tallies of your assessment scores. Based on your score on the questionnaire, how do you assess your ability to create a vision for a group? Identify specific ways you could improve your abilities to create and carry out vision with others. Stephen Covey (1991) contended that effective leaders "begin with the end in mind" (p42). These leaders have a deep understanding of their own goals and mission in life. How would you describe your own values and purpose in life? In what way is your leadership influenced by these values? Creating a vision usually involves trying to change others by persuading them to accept different values and different ways of doing things. Are you comfortable influencing people in this way? Discuss. As we discussed in this chapter, effective visions can be articulated with strong symbols. How do you view yourself as being able to do this? Are you effective at generating language and symbols that can enhance a vision and help make it more successful
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