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Currently, there are five concepts of food stands, including: hot dogs, soft pretzels, turkey legs, sandwich wraps, and funnel cakes. This approach will double


Currently, there are five concepts of food stands, including: hot dogs, soft pretzels, turkey legs, sandwich wraps, and funnel cakes. This approach will double the existing number of food stands across the park by adding two more of each food stand concept-six of which will concentrate in areas near the construction zone. Each stand will cost approximately $5,000 to purchase and get up and running. Option 2: Space Themed Food Trucks This approach would be something fotally new for Ad Astra Adventures and will include adding four park-owned food trucks serving different space-themed cuisines (burgers, pizza, tacos, and dumplings). Each truck would cost around $30,000 upfront, have 3-5 options on the menu and require three employees to run. A handful of tables would be available near each truck for visitors to use. Option 3: Deluxe Vending Machines While popular in Asia and parts of Europe, deluxe vending machines are still somewhat novel to an American audience. Going this route will entail adding two vending areas to the park, each housing eight vending machines (costing close to $10,000), that offer a variety of street foods from across the world. One of the vending areas will be located near the construction zone, and the other will be located more centrally within the park between The Lignum Express and We Come in Peace. Food for the machines would be cooked in the kitchen of the closed-off restaurant by a total of three cooks servicing both locations and refilled as needed by one staff member from each vending area. One other employee would be stationed on-site, full time at each location to assist customers. Average Ticket Per Person Average # of Customers Per Day Average Turnaround Time (Minutes) Staff Size Per Location Food Stands $ 14.50 320 5 2 Food Trucks $20.67 175 12 3 Deluxe Vending Machines $ 13.30 63 n/a 3.5

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