A baseball player's slugging percentage SLG can be calculated with the following formula (which is an example of a rational function): SLG = H+2B+2x(3B)+3x(HR)
A baseball player's slugging percentage SLG can be calculated with the following formula (which is an example of a rational function): SLG = H+2B+2x(3B)+3x(HR) AB Q Image transcription text H+2B+2x (3B)+3x (HR) SLG = AB where H= number of hits, 2B = number of doubles, 3B = number of triples, HR = number of home runs, and AB = number of at- bats. 1. Go to the MLB stats website: to an external site, and pick your favorite player, or just some random player, providing me with the players name of your choice. Find his SLG for 2021 Regular Season. Show supportive work, using the above formula, and check your answer to the one given on the website. 2. What is the SLG of a player with some at-bats, but no hits? 3. What is the SLG of a player with no at-bats? How does your answer to this question compare to your mathematical knowledge of division by 0? 4. Comment on another student's post. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the players that you picked based on the data from the MLB stats website.
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