Consider the information in the file named Cost Functions of the Firm (also presented above). Please read that file carefully before answering this and
Consider the information in the file named Cost Functions of the Firm (also presented above). Please read that file carefully before answering this and the following questions. The fixed cost of production equals dollars. Please note carefully: The fixed cost of production must be the same no matter what the level of production is. However, in this question, due to rounding problem, the fixed cost calculated at the production level q- 7 turns out to be different. So, calculate the fixed cost at any production level except q- 7 to get the correct number. $3,000 $2,750 ATC $2,620 $2,500 MC $2,280 $2,250 $2,000 $1,750 $1,500 $1,980 $1,608 $1,680- $1,380 $1,200 $1,342 $1,251 $1,200 $1,250 $1,000 5660 $750 $1,248 $840 $1,200 AVC $120 $480- $60 $500 $120 $240 $250 $240 50 7 10 12 Output Produced (q)
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