Explain what early thoughts and beliefs existed about what caused mental illness. Describe one of the psychological traditions and how it furthered the beliefs about
Explain what early thoughts and beliefs existed about what caused mental illness. Describe one of the psychological traditions and how it furthered the beliefs about what causes mental illness from that of the early beliefs by the Greeks and from religions. Select from: Freud's theory of the unconscious, humanism, or behaviorism.
Explain the idea of a multidimensional approach and how it differs from a single-dimensional approach to understanding the major causes of mental illness.
Last, referring directly to the textbook, provide an overview of each of the major approaches of a multidimensional integrated model listed in the textbook. For each major approach, include its central tenant(s) as it relates to the explanation (or cause) of mental illness. The six dimensions noted in your readings that provide an explanation or cause for the development of mental illness are biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic-existential, and sociocultural. For example, from the biological approach, an imbalance of neurochemicals is believed to influence (or cause) behavioral changes as well as heritability. The approaches that will need to be summarized include the biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, human-existential, and sociocultural.
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Early Thoughts and Beliefs About the Causes of Mental Illness In ancient times the causes of mental illness were often attributed to supernatural forces divine punishment or imbalance in bodily fluids ...See step-by-step solutions with expert insights and AI powered tools for academic success
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