Find the following using countif, countifs, sumif, sumifs, averageif, and averageifs. Create all formulas and calculations directing in Excel. How many songs are sung by
Find the following using countif, countifs, sumif, sumifs, averageif, and averageifs.
Create all formulas and calculations directing in Excel.
- How many songs are sung by Moore?
- What is the average length of a Cher song?
- Out of the Springsteen songs that are longer than 4 minutes, what is the average number of times the song was played by Wolfman?
- How many Springsteen CD’s did DJ Willi play?
- What is the average rating of the Manilow LPs that were released after 2/1/2004 played by everyone except Big Boy?
- How many times has Tony played an itunes Spears song after 4/25/04?
- What is the average song length of a Cher MP3 song?
- Which singer has Disco Boy played most often?
- Out of the songs that Nancy has played, which performer’s songs have the highest average rating?
- How many songs that are not LPs have been played more than 4,000 times?
- Of the songs that have been played more than 4,000 times, what is the average rating of a Springsteen CD last longer than 3 minutes?
- How many songs have a length of over 4 minutes and are sung by a performer whose name starts with an “s”?
- What is the average song length of CDs with a rating of 3 or higher between 4/1/04 and 9/30/04 (exclusive).
A B Exercise 3 1 131 2 C D E F G H J K L M N Song number Singer Date Minutes Eminem 5/21/04 Type 4 CD Ratings Times Played DJ 2 Eminem 4/15/04 6 LP 52 8510 DJ Willi 7520 DJ Willi 3 Cher 1/28/05 7 MP3 2 1582 DJ Willi 4 Eminem 1/28/05 4 Itunes 2 1251 DJ Willi 5 Moore 11/5/04 6 CD 1 2351 DJ Willi 6 Cher 9/18/04 4 LP 4 2541 DJ Willi 7 Spears 4/15/04 3 CD 5 1542 Disco Boy 8 Spears 3/17/05 3 CD 2 3942 Tony 9 Manilow 1/16/05 4 CD 1 7425 Disco Boy 10 Eminem 4/10/05 6 LP 2 2452 Michael 11 Madonna 2/15/04 3 MP3 3 2452 Disco Boy 12 Eminem 1/10/04 4 CD 5 8510 Big Boy 13 Springsteen 4/10/05 2 Itunes 1 2452 Big Boy 14 Spears 4/15/04 4 CD 15 Moore 7/8/04 3 Itunes 16 Madonna 6/26/04 4 CD 525- 8510 Big Boy 2452 Wolfman 6524 Wolfman 17 Spears 5/28/05 7 LP 1 1542 Wolfman 18 Mellencamp 7/27/05 5 Itunes 2 7425 DJ Willi 19 Spears 9/18/04 5 LP 5 6524 DJ Willi 20 Madonna 7/8/04 4 CD 1 2452 DJ Willi 21 Springsteen 9/6/04 3 Itunes 5 1542 DJ Willi 22 Madonna 6/2/04 8 CD 23 Madonna 3/5/05 3 CD 24 Cher 1/10/04 5 CD 251 7425 Disco Boy 2987 Tony 4 6175 Nancy 25 Cher 7/27/05 2 CD 5 7425 Michael 26 Cher 2/9/05 5 CD 3 8510 Michael 27 Eminem 8/20/05 8 CD 28 Springsteen 6/9/05 3 Itunes 29 Madonna 7/15/05 5 LP 225 2452 Michael 2 2452 Brian 2452 Brian 30 Manilow 3/17/05 8 Itunes 1 6175 Big Bov P R
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