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How would you expect seasonal fluctuations in demand to affect a rental company's decisions about pricing rented products such as wedding dresses or convertible cars?

How would you expect seasonal fluctuations in demand to affect a rental company's decisions about pricing rented products such as wedding dresses or convertible cars?
In terms of pricing principles, why do rental companies often display the retail price alongside the rental price for products they feature?
From a marketing perspective, why do Rent the Runway and other rental companies offer a discount to first-time customers?
What elements are consumers likely to consider when evaluating the purchase price of a product they want to own compared with the price of renting that product for a limited time?

Step by Step Solution

There are 3 Steps involved in it

Step: 1

1 Seasonal Fluctuations in Demand and Pricing Decisions Seasonal fluctuations in demand can significantly influence a rental companys pricing decisions for products like wedding dresses or convertible ... blur-text-image

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