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HR Management at InnovateTech Solutions InnovateTech Solutions is a dynamic and forward-thinking technology company, specialising in software development. It was first established in 2021 and

HR Management at InnovateTech Solutions InnovateTech Solutions is a dynamic and forward-thinking technology company, specialising in software development. It was first established in 2021 and has rapidly grown from a staff complement of 5 to 122 employees. However, InnovateTech Solutions does not have an HR department, and as the company expanded, so challenges in employee management and development became apparent, leading to a series of issues affecting productivity, engagement, and employee advancement. At a meeting of the management committee earlier this week, the challenges which the company is experiencing were discussed. Jabu, the Financial Director, who believes in a rigid approach to organisational efficiency commented, Our productivity is plummeting, and its affecting our growth strategy. We need stricter controls and more efficient processes. Ive been analysing workflows, and its clear that a more top-down approach is needed to streamline operations. Its also time to move to a results-based pay system. Prisha, the Marketing Director, replied, I agree that we need to improve efficiency, but we must also focus on our people. A more people-oriented approach to management can boost employee morale and productivity. Lets focus on creating a supportive work culture and on improving employee job satisfaction. I hear what both or you are saying, Prisha and Jabu. Both of you make valid points, commented Jason, the CEO. I also think it would be helpful to review the results of the survey which we contracted an external management consultant to conduct last week. Take a look at page 53 of the report that I circulated - it summarises the key challenges which the survey revealed are prevalent in InnovateTech Solutions. The challenges summarised in the report were:  Female managers and female employees who were interviewed as part of the survey, indicated that they face difficulties advancing in their career due to an apparent glass ceiling for women. This not only hinders individual growth but also impacts the overall diversity and inclusivity of the organisation.  There are low levels of productivity and engagement. Employees feel disconnected, leading to a lack of motivation and commitment to the company's goals.  The low productivity and low levels of employee engagement has resulted in poor customer service. With disengaged employees and inefficient processes, customer satisfaction levels have taken a hit, posing a threat to the company's reputation.  A significant portion of the workforce comprises single parents who are urging the company to adopt family-friendly working conditions and flexitime. Failure to address these concerns may lead to talent attrition and a negative public image. After reading through the challenges summarised in the report, Prisha exclaimed, Gosh! I really didnt realise that these challenges existed. These are all people related issues and if they are not addressed they will hamper the implementation of our organisational growth strategy. We need an HR strategy to support the implementation of our organisational growth strategy. I really think it is time that we establish an HR department! I was thinking the exact same thing, Prisha! We really do need an HR department, agreed Jason, But I have no idea as to how to set it up and what specific HR functions it should manage. Source: (Winter 2023) Answer ALL the questions in this section.
QUESTION 1 (25 Marks) I was thinking the exact same thing, Prisha! We really do need an HR department agreed Jason, But I have no idea as to how to set it up and what specific HR functions it should manage. You are an HR Consultant contracted by InnovateTech Solutions to assist with the setting up of an HR department within the company. As your first task, write an email to the management committee in which you identify and explain the important functions of an HR Department. Include examples of the HR functions, that are relevant to InnovateTech Solutions context, in your email. 

QUESTION 2 (25 Marks) Discuss whether Jabu and Prisha advocate a Scientific Management approach or a Human Resource approach to the management of employees at InnovateTech Solutions. 

QUESTION 3 (25 Marks) These are all people related issues and if they are not addressed they will hamper the implementation of our organisational growth strategy. We need an HR strategy to support the implementation of our organisational growth strategy. Discuss the key components of the HR strategy which InnovateTech Solutions must put in place to support the effective implementation of the organisational growth strategy. 

QUESTION 4 (25 Marks) Discuss the sustainability challenge impacting HRM and analyse the extent to which it is evident in the case study.

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