In muscle tissue, the ratio of phosphorylase a to phosphorylase b determines the rate of conversion of glycogen to glucose 1phosphate. Classify how each event
In muscle tissue, the ratio of phosphorylase a to phosphorylase b determines the rate of conversion of glycogen to glucose 1‑phosphate. Classify how each event affects the rate of glycogen breakdown in isolated muscle tissue.
1. Addition of phosphorylase b kinase
2. [ATP] exceeds [ADP]
3. treatment with insuli
4. Ca2+ binding to phosphorylase b kinase
5. addition of phosphatase inhibitor
6. removal of phosphate groups from phosphorylase a
7. end of flight-or-flight response 8. treatment with glucago
Categorize them by an increase, decrease, or no change in glycogen breakdown
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Increased rate of glycogen breakdown Decreased rate of glycogen breakdown No change AMP allosteric b...83% of Sciences Students Improved their GPA!
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