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London Confections is known for its rich dark chocolate fudge drops. London sells its fudge drops to local retailers. A unit of fudge drops is
London Confections is known for its rich dark chocolate fudge drops. London sells its fudge drops to local retailers. A "unit" of fudge drops is a 10-pound batch. The standard quantities of ingredients for a batch include 15 cups of sugar, 18 ounces of chocolate chips, 23 ounces of butter, and 27 ounces of evaporated milk. The standard costs for each of the ingredients are as follows: $0.24 per cup of sugar, $0.20 per ounce of chocolate chips, $0.15 per ounce of butter, and $0.08 per ounce of evaporated milk. Calculate the standard direct material cost per batch of fudge drops. Calculate the standard direct material (DM) cost per batch of fudge drops. (Enter all dollar amounts to two decimal places.) Standard Standard Standard Quantity Price Cost Sugar per cup Chocolate chips per ounce = Butter per ounce Evaporated milk per ounce Standard DM cost per batch
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