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MKT500 Week 7 Discussion Board I have attached the question, lecture notes, and an example of a student's response to the questions. Running head: KEYSAN

MKT500 Week 7 Discussion Board I have attached the question, lecture notes, and an example of a student's response to the questions.

image text in transcribed Running head: KEYSAN NATURALS COMPANY: AIDA PRINCIPLE Keysan Naturals Company: AIDA Principle Student's name Professor's name Course Title Date Keysan Naturals Company: AIDA Principle Keysan Naturals, the company under discussion deals with the production and supply of organic products such as drinks, oil ointments, and herbal medicine. The company runs under the slogan \"go natural for a healthy lifestyle.\" Thus the company's products are aimed towards promoting a healthy eating habit and lifestyle the reason as to why it ventured in the production and supply of organic substances both for consumption and application. However, considering the stiff intra and inter-competition, the company positioned itself to lead. It is from this leading objecting that the company developed a marketing plan and differentiation strategy for its product. The marketing plan encompassed the components of pricing, branding, packaging and integrated marketing communication plan. As a result, the KEYSAN NATURALS COMPANY: AIDA PRINCIPLE 2 company took a unique standing point of branding its product in accordance with its mission, vision, logo and slogan going by the name KEHLIF. The products stood to distinguish packaged in an olive green and white theme color and sold at $2 slightly lower than that of the company's closest competitors. In the IMC strategy, the company employed various actions plan that ensured the product and the new brand positioned itself in the market. As a result, the company integrated the use of social media to advertising as well as sales and promotion. Likewise, while marketing the product, the company ensured to follow the Attention, Interest, Desire and Action (AIDA) principle (Jobber et al., 2013). In the add description, the company focused on the pop-up advertisement, especially on Facebook and Twitter links. The advertisement would entail three bottles packaged in a theme olive and white but of different sizes and flavors. The message been conveyed is that KEHLIF products are favorable for all individuals regardless of ages at pocket-friendly prices. Attention-I-D-A Principle The advert will animate the logo. The headline will read, \"KEHLIF is offering Solution to a Healthy Lifestyle." Similarly, as the key in the logo opens, the three bottles in different sizes will pop out following one after the other in a selected background tune. Hence, the headline and the animated ad will attract the attention of the audience and ignite their interest. A-Interest-D-A To capture the interest of the consumers, the advert will emphasize the organic, quality and pocket-friendly aspects of the product. The message conveyed will indicate that KEHLIF products help boost energy, reduce and treat chances of diabetes, high blood pressure, and other chronic illness. The most captivating aspect will entail in reduction tummy fat, lower level of cholesterol as well as treatment of ace. Hence, the message will be derived towards attracting consumers' across gender and age. A-I-Desire-Action KEYSAN NATURALS COMPANY: AIDA PRINCIPLE 3 The advert tag line, \"want a healthy lifestyle, go natural, go for KEHLIF\" will arouse the desire of the consumers. The tagline and especially after been informed on the benefits of buying KEHLIF product starting with its organic and pocket-friendly nature will instigate the consumer's desire to purchase and try one of the KEHLIF products. A-I-D-Action At the end of the advert, the bottles will swing as if going back with a tagline, "Buy one today and see the difference." Below each bottle, prices will also be indicated. In summation, for different media platforms, the headline and tagline will be used to show the varying of the ad in different media platforms. However, the theme color and the slogan will stand distinguished. In the case of billboards, only the three bottles different sizes, flavors and prices indicated below will be graphical. Likewise, the action tagline will be printed in bold. In addition, the advert will mostly display itself on Facebook and Twitter links. Likewise, for maximum coverage, the advert will also appear upon opening a healthy related link, website or web page. In this way, the advert will be able to air for maximum coverage with minimal expense. Reference KEYSAN NATURALS COMPANY: AIDA PRINCIPLE 4 Jobber, David; Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona (2013). "1, 15." Principles and Practices of Marketing (7 ed.). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. p. 21, 540. MKT500 Week 7 Lecture 1: Advertising Messages and Marketing Communications Slide 1 Introduction In this lesson, we will discuss the goals that advertising campaigns target, how to measure the effectiveness of advertising. Please go to the next slide. Slide 2 Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to analyze integrated marketing communications and its relationship to advertising strategy. To meet this overall objective, we will cover the following supporting topics: Advertising as a communication method with customers; Marketing Goals sought from Advertising Campaigns; Designing Advertising Messages; Measuring the Effectiveness of Advertising; Please go to the next slide. Slide 3 Advertising & Customer Communicatio ns Advertising encompasses the promotion component of the four P's of the marketing framework. When consumers think of advertising, they most often think of television commercials. So what exactly is advertising? Advertising is the main means by which a company communicates to its customers about the products that it desires to sell. It includes information regarding the product brand, as well as the company and the product's position within the marketplace. Advertising is the most direct link between the company and the consumer. There are many means by which companies convey information to potential customers in the form of different types of advertising such as television commercials, print ads, product packaging, and product prices. Print ads include advertisements you would find in magazines and newspapers, on billboards, and in online banners and pop-ups that appear on the Internet. How a product is packaged and the price that is set for it are also forms of advertising. A company may have its own public relations department or will contract with an external public relations firm to develop advertising materials and create and conduct direct marketing promotional events. Because a variety of communication methods, departments, and tasks are accomplished to collaboratively fulfill the advertising effort, an integrated approach is most often used. This collective approach has sometimes been referred to as marketing communications. However, more recently, the approach is known as integrated marketing communications. Please go to the next slide. Slide 4 Advertising & Customer Communicatio ns (cont.) The importance of the advertising function cannot be understated. How else would consumers learn about and be made aware of products? One important aspect of advertising is that it provides awareness and information about the product to a target customer. It also serves to persuade the target customer to purchase the product and show the superiority of the product versus competitor products. Many television commercials routinely compare similar product features with one product inevitably promoted as the better of the two. Who hasn't seen a commercial where individuals are asked to try one food or beverage and then taste another one with the interviewer asking which product is preferred based upon taste? The effects of advertising can be seen in both the short- and long-term. Short-term effects are realized immediately after the consumer is exposed to the advertisement and is of a short duration or short lived. It is common knowledge that the annual NFL Super Bowl telecast includes many new television commercials that companies pay huge amounts of money for. Some viewers are more interested in these new commercials and the game's half time show than they are the actual game itself! Every year the Today Show on NBC does a follow-up piece on the Super Bowl commercials the morning after the game. We have come to expect a new Budweiser commercial to be televised that includes the Budweiser Clydesdale horses and of course we can't forget the new car commercials that are televised either. Slide 5 Advertising & Customer Communicatio ns (cont.) Please go to the next slide. Even though the effects of advertising can be short-term, more often the effects are not seen for a longer period of time in the form of increased sales and profit. The effects can also be considered long-term because the benefits generated by the ad may be sustained long after the advertising has taken place. Or, the effect may not be attributable to a single advertisement or campaign. It may be a result of multiple ad campaigns over a period of time. This is why advertising effects are thought to be cumulative in nature. The long-term, sustained effects of advertising assist with strengthening the awareness of a product and the perceptions that consumers have of the product which a company hopes will be a positive one. This outcome can be seen as more consumers purchase the product, spread information about it through word of mouth, and make more expensive purchases as a result. The impact of word of mouth advertising to a company can be huge. Consumers will share their experiences with a product with their friends, family members, and coworkers quite often and this may compel some people to try a product based upon the positive endorsement. Slide 6 Advertising and Marketing Goals Please go to the next slide. Advertising sometimes seeks to solicit an emotional response from a consumer which prompts the consumer to purchase a product as a result. Changing a consumer's buying behavior is the goal of most marketing initiatives. Many models exist which describe a consumer's thought process and decision making behavior resulting from exposure to marketing campaigns. Primarily, marketers wish to affect the cognition, emotions, or behaviors of potential customers. Cognition relates to increasing a consumer's awareness and knowledge of the product. A marketer also attempts to appeal to a customer on an emotional level. Finally, the company wants to encourage a change in behavior which is purchasing the product being advertised. A correlation can be seen between the stages of the product life cycle and the marketing goals that are sought through advertising campaigns. During the introduction stage of the product life cycle, the marketer's job is to distribute information about the product and how it is superior to a competitor's product. In the growth stage, campaigns aim to increase the target segment's feelings about the product in a positive way. The maturity stage sees the marketer reminding the consumer of the value of the product to maintain their business. During the final decline stage, the marketer reduces the amount of money spent on advertising. In terms of consumer behavior, more than likely many of us continue to purchase the same or similar products to those that were used by our parents such as laundry detergent, cake mix, and paper towels. If these products were purchased and endorsed by our parents and used faithfully for years, they must be good! Slide 7 Designing Advertising Messages Please go to the next slide. Advertisers use communication to get their message across to consumers. The type of communication differs in terms of its end goal and purpose. For example, cognitive ads obviously appeals to a consumer's brain and provides the consumer with a practical and logical reason to purchase the product. The product's benefits and attributes are featured. One type of cognitive ad is referred to as one-sided. In a one-sided ad, the company focuses primarily on featuring the benefits of the product. Another type of cognitive ad is referred to as two-sided whereby the company portrays the benefits of the product while also noting it's weak areas. This approach is taken because it has already been established that the product possesses weaknesses or that the competitor's product is superior in some manner. Two-sided ads are often considered more objective and credible because they clearly portray the benefits and the weaknesses of a product. Comparative ads are another type of cognitive ad with the name of the product's competitor mentioned within the ad. This approach is taken to show a comparison with the competitor product in a positive manner. A non comparative ad does not mention the product's competitor. It simply notes the product's features and attributes. You are more than likely familiar with the next type of cognitive ad which is a product demonstration such as a laundry detergent commercial showing its awesome job in getting out tough stains! Infomercials are also notorious for demonstrating the wonderful features of a product with a sales person using a heavy sales pitch to convey the information. Lastly, a drama type of ad typically involves a narrative where a problem is noted and throughout the ad, a solution to the problem is shown as a result of using the product being featured. Slide 8 Designing Advertising Messages (continued) Please go to the next slide. Ads also attempt to appeal to consumers on an emotional level. Humor is one way that marketers use to communicate information about a product. Humorous ads also tend to generate word of mouth communication between consumers. Humorous ads are popular, but unfortunately, not necessarily effective. This is because a viewer will remember the punch line, but not necessarily the product or brand being advertised. Further, not all individuals share the same sense of humor. As a result, it is possible to alienate or offend consumers who do not appreciate the type of humor used in the ad. Also, once a viewer has seen the ad, the humorous aspect will often decrease. Humorous ads are quite expensive to create and hence, not necessarily very cost effective overall. Some marketers attempt to instill some sense of fear, embarrassment, or guilt in their ad's message and images to evoke action on the part of the viewer. These negative emotions may prompt some consumers to purchase the product, although it has been found that ads such as these are not routinely used. The most effective ads of this nature include a solution to the problem noted which in turn will reduce the level of negative emotions experienced by the viewer. Subliminal ads have been the subject of some controversy and are actually illegal. A subliminal ad is one in which images or words are inserted within the print ad or commercial although they are not consciously visible by the viewer since the location of the information may be embedded or the information may only be on the screen for a fraction of a second. Subliminal ads attempt to elicit a subconscious response and for the most part, are not considered to be effective. An image appeal ad is one where the image of the product is the main focus of the ad although it is portrayed in a way that appeals on an emotional level rather than just depicting the product's features and benefits. Lastly, who can forget the boxers or briefs underwear commercial by Hanes featuring Michael Jordan? This is an example of an endorsement ad where a celebrity is endorsing the product. Another type of endorsement ad features experts such as doctors who are recommending a specific drug and their expertise in medicine is relied upon to endorse the product. The testimony of a product user is another type of endorsement ad and features a satisfied user claiming how much they liked the product or how well it worked for them. Please go to the next slide. Slide 9 Measuring Advertising Effectiveness How does a company measure the effectiveness of its advertising? This is accomplished through various means, one of which is recall memory testing. Recall memory testing involves advertising researchers calling random samples of people to ask them what they recall viewing on television the prior evening regarding advertisements shown. More specifically known as day-after recall, it measures if the ad made such an impression that the viewer recalls the ad the day after it was shown without any prompting whatsoever. Another method used to measure the effectiveness of advertisements is based upon recognition. With recognition measures, the viewer is specifically asked whether or not they remember seeing ads for a specific company or product such as Ball Park hot dogs or Cheerios cereal. Some ads use repetition and rely upon this repeated exposure to familiarize the consumer with the product, brand, or logo with the hope that the exposure will create a positive association to the product. A preliminary method that is used to test an ad prior to actually using it involves the use of focus groups to test the concept of the ad with a random sample of consumers who fit the target market for the product. They do not view a fully developed print ad or commercial, but are provided with graphics or a rough draft of the ad. Then, they are asked for their opinion and the ad is further developed taking the retrieved information into consideration. Surveys are often used when random samples of consumers are recruited to watch some programming whereby advertisements are aired during commercial breaks. The consumers are asked questions to measure such information as their attitudes about the commercials, emotions elicited, and ad content. This process is known as copy testing. Please go to the next slide. Slide 10 Check Your Understanding Slide 11 Summary We have reached the end of this lesson. Let's take a look at what we've covered. First, we explained different types of advertising, the effects of advertising, and the correlation between advertising and marketing goals. Next, we described advertising messages, how to measure the effectiveness of advertising. This completes this lesson. MKT500 Week 7 Lecture 2: Integrated Marketing Communications and Media Choices Slide 1 Introduction In this lesson, we will discuss integrated marketing communications, media decisions, and media's reach and frequency. Please go to the next slide. Slide 2 Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to analyze integrated marketing communications and its relationship to advertising strategy. To meet this overall objective, we will cover the following supporting topics: Media Decisions; Media Reach and Frequency; Media Planning and Scheduling; and Beyond Advertising. Slide 3 Media Decisions Please go to the next slide. How much money should a company spend to advertise its products? Is there a specific timeframe in which to spend this money and if so, when? Which advertising method should the company spend this money on to result in the greatest return? These are questions that must be asked and answered in order to sufficiently create an advertising budget that will match a company's marketing goals. There are three methods by which to determine the amount a company should spend on advertising each year. The first method is to use a percentage of the sales for the prior year. Most often, companies use past percentages or an estimate of the industry norm. The figure used is also dependent upon the marketing goal. Is the company introducing a new product? If so, the percentage needs to be bigger. If not, perhaps the same advertising budget as the prior year will suffice. Secondly, the company must be aware of how much their competitors spend on advertising and budget an amount somewhat equal. Third, a company can calculate the advertising budget amount as it correlates with the strategic advertising goal. This method treats the advertising budget as an investment. However, this approach is somewhat difficult since advertising effects are difficult to measure and are often seen long-term versus short-term. Please go to the next slide. Slide 4 Media Reach and Frequency The number of times that a consumer is exposed to an advertisement is paramount to the goal of advertising marketers. Is there a magic number of exposures that seems to do the trick with the consumer consequently buying the product as a result of the ad? Well, the answer to this question is both yes and no. One way that advertising agencies measure the potential exposure of an ad is by calculating what is called the gross rating points. The formula for calculating the gross rating points involves measures of reach and frequency. Reach refers to the number of your target audience that has seen the ad at least once and the number is expressed in the form of a percentage. Frequency refers to the average number of times your target audience saw the ad within a specified amount of time such as three or six months If twenty percent of the target audience saw the ad at least four times, then the gross rating points would be eighty. If forty percent of the target audience saw the ad at least two times, then the gross rating points would also be eighty. But, there was greater frequency in the first scenario than the second. It could be assumed that the smaller proportion who saw the ad in the first scenario were very familiar with the product being advertised. The reach was bigger in the second scenario, but since the audience only saw the ad twice, it may be safely assumed that they probably did not have enough exposure to the product to have the desired effect of the marketing goal. Slide 5 Media Reach and Frequency (continued) Please go to the next slide. The goal of reach is to fully maximize the exposure of the ad to the highest percentage of the target segment as possible and to use whichever media will best accomplish this goal while remaining cost efficient. The goal of frequency is to expose the target segment to the ad as many times as possible so that the consumer is persuaded to purchase the product. In the past, it was believed that it was necessary for a consumer to see an ad at least three times. More recently, marketers have learned that sometimes more than three exposures is necessary to evoke behavioral changes on the part of the consumer to purchase the product. Further, sometimes the frequency with which a consumer views an ad can be counter productive. The more they see the ad, the less they are inclined to purchase the product. We have all seen some commercials on television that we wished would just go away since we have seen them dozens or perhaps hundreds of times. Please go to the next slide. Slide 6 Media Planning and Scheduling Marketers are concerned as to whether their investment in advertising produces a concrete return in terms of sales of the product. One variable marketers use to calculate a return on investment is to advertise based upon the popularity of a program or what is referred to as its rating. The other significant variable is the cost of the ad to be aired during the program. The more popular the program is, the higher the cost of the advertisement. Depending upon the exact cost of the advertisement, a return on the advertising investment can be determined. When and how often to run an ad is a planning and timing issue. There are three types of schedules that marketers typically use to drive ad frequency including continuous, occasional, and seasonal. Continuous scheduling is just as the name implies. The ads are run on a regular basis, although not necessarily on the same schedule. The intent is to remind the consumer of your product. The frequency of the exposure correlates to the buying cycle for the product. More frequently purchased products warrant more frequent exposure via advertisements. Occasional scheduling involves ads that are run less frequently. Therefore, this type of scheduling is typically less expensive. The frequency also should correlate with the purchase cycle for the same reasons it does with continuous scheduling. Ads that are scheduled so that they run prior to a major holiday or upcoming event are called seasonal ads. Cards for Mother's Day, candy for Valentine's Day, and school supplies and clothes are all subject to the seasonal scheduling of ads. Please go to the next slide. Slide 7 Check Your Understanding Slide 8 Beyond Advertising In addition to the typical advertising we are most familiar with such as print ads, television commercials, and billboards, other complementary types of advertising are employed that play a role in product exposure and sales. One such type of advertising is personal selling and sales force selling. At one time, if you were to consider this type of sales approach, some baby boomers might immediately think of door-to-door encyclopedia or vacuum cleaner salesmen! Personal and sales force selling has expanded over the past few decades and are thought to encompass ten percent of the overall workforce in the United States. Thinking from a more contemporary point of view, personal and sales force selling includes sales persons that travel a region or the country selling a product, front line sales persons at a department store, or an employee who takes an order over the telephone for a company. Training and maintaining a sales force is expensive and many products require a sales person to explain the product features to a potential customer. Or, the type of product does not lend itself to be sold without guidance from a knowledgeable expert or cannot be sold over the Internet. Some consumers are not willing to purchase an expensive or complicated product without first hearing about it first hand from a salesperson. Often, individuals employed as sales persons are compensated with a base salary and earn a commission based upon the level of their sales. Another compensation method is the trade allowance whereby the sales force is provided with such benefits as price reductions that can be passed along to customers, free merchandise, or training on product demonstrations from the manufacturer. Slide 9 Public Relations Please go to the next slide. A company may also include an internal public relations department or outsource this function to an external agency. Public relations is another method by which to provide information to a potential consumer and build upon the brand attributes and image of the product. It is a bit of the frosting on the cake per se. Public relations departments or firms utilize press kits which consist of video clips about a new product launch. The press kit also includes information specific to the company including such information as its history and leadership biographies. Public relations departments and firms also coordinate such events such as speaking engagements, corporate sponsorship of events, and philanthropic work that the company is doing within the community such as half marathon which is sponsored by a bank to raise money for a local food bank. The main purpose of public relations events is to convey a positive imagine of the company to consumers or to salvage the outcome from a negative occurrence. An example of this would be the recall of Toyota vehicles in two thousand ten due to a malfunctioning part on the gas pedal that had the potential to impede braking ability. As a result of this negative event, Toyota placed full page ads in major newspapers throughout the country to apologize to customers and created and televised commercials addressing what the company was doing to regain the trust of customers and potential customers. Publicity is another method used to disseminate information about a product and it does not cost the company any money. Companies routinely prepare press releases detailing goings on. However, they do not have any influence over whether or not the information will be picked up and released. Please go to the next slide. Slide 10 Public Relations (continued) You have probably seen various products in the background when you are watching a movie or television show. The camera pans to a bar where a man is sitting an drinking a Budweiser beer. This is known as product placement and companies pay to have their products displayed on film. Even though a company pays for product placement it is considered a subtle form of advertising. Companies will also sponsor or lend their name, image, and logo for a sporting or cultural event. For the past few years, Outback Steakhouse has sponsored the Outback Bowl college football game that is played annually on New Year's Day. Since so many sporting fans watch this game on television, it provides wonderful exposure for Outback Steakhouse throughout its sponsorship. The last form of public relations is the sales promotion. Coupons for discounts are the most common form of sales promotion, although product rebates, trade in allowances, free trials, contests, and sweepstakes also fall in this category. Promotions such as these typically promote interest in the product which increases short-term sales. Additionally, sales promotions have often been effective in getting a consumer to switch brands. Please go to the next slide. Slide 11 Summary We have reached the end of this lesson. Let's take a look at what we've covered. First, we described media planning and scheduling. Next, we discussed other types of advertising that fall under the category of public relations. This completes this lesson. MKT500 Week 7 Discussion Board "Hit Your Mark With Matched Messaging" Watch the video below and then respond to the questions that follow: Develop a brief IMC for the company or product you are working on in your assignments. Watch the video at: First, tell us about your company or product. What is your unique selling proposition? -Provides why the USP will help the company standout from the competition. How do you distinguish your product or company from your competitors? -Provides USP for product/company, and describes competitors' product/ company. Now, think about how to communicate this information using the AIDA principle. Describe your ad and promotion. -Description of the ad uses the AIDA principle and why this information is relevant to the target market. How would you vary your ad for different media platforms? -Does use different media in describing the promotion and describes how to vary the airing schedule and why it is significant to the target market. How would you vary the schedule to air it for maximum coverage with minimal expense? Watch the video at: d/24290031/entry_id/1_j6obbvkz/embed/iframe?&flashvars[streamerType]=auto or a b c d Tell us about your company or product. What is your unique selling proposition? How do you distinguish your product or company from your competitors? Chill Zone Phone Covers Incorporated, is a corporation that produces and distributes cell phone accessories. Chill Zone provides a variety of products such as carbon fiber coolers that you can slip a cell phone under while riding in a car or sitting out on your patio. Also, the firm makes permanent fixture covers such, as, the otter box that Apple is famous for because once a customer attaches this cover to their phone, it is on permanently until removed. Moreover, the company also distributes chargers that are custom made to work with the covers. Our organization's unique selling proposition has a concept of "buy high-quality products for a low price." Unlike other companies such as, Best Buy who does offer high quality but however, their products are the much greater price. Ironically, this is a peak time for offering customers high quality for a low price because more people today are more likely trying to save as much as possible with the instability of the economy and this year's election. Our competitors make similar products and services; however, they are a bigger company than Chill Zone. Our competitors offer phone coolers that are stationary, so customers are limited to their products. Chill Zone, although it is a much smaller company than Best Buy, will stand out among the competition because a client can buy accessories that are high in quality while saving money. Furthermore, a customer has more options to choose from, such as, for example, if you are in the market for a permanent cover, you can get one from the chill zone in two styles. For instance, carbon fiber, or you can choose one with a smooth, durable plastic finish. Also, you can even purchase a charger which is exclusively designed to fit your cover of choice. For example, a standard charger fits at the bottom of a phone. However, with Chill Zone's different charger and covers, you can plug in a charger that is strategically located on the side of the phone for easier access by using an adaptor which you simply attach to the official portal at the bottom of the phone and connect the charger to the side. Frankly, this attachment will help prevent charger wear and tear, unlike standard chargers which typically wear out much faster. So, therefore, a customer has access to these products which are high in quality but for a much lower price. e Several customers have concerns about the display screen on their phone going out because of severe heat. Also, it is frustrating to purchase a charger that cost anywhere from $30 to $40 dollars only to watch it break and malfunction after a few months. So, therefore Chill Zone accessories are of high relevance to today's phone accessories market. 2. Now, think about how to communicate this information using the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) principle. Describe your ad and promotion. a. Constructively, the company pushes adds that are instrumental and has an impact on the growth of the brand. Also, because they tend to target some universal truth that allows people to remember them for a long time. An Ad is all about a group of campaigns centered around one message. Timing is also clearly defined, so, therefore, we will use integrated marketing when constructing ads. For example, Nike's "just do it" is perhaps the most monumental ad of all time. Nike, initially targeted marathon runners until the fitness craze went viral. Honestly, Chill Zone Inc. is optimistic that just as Nike's "just do it" went viral Chill Zones ad. "Quality first, Low prices always." Will also set its mark in the cell phone accessory industry. Some marketing ideas are, for instance, joining in on some social media weekly themes like #throwback Fridays. Chill Zone executives understand that if you want to build your social media clients, you must be an active contributor to the community. Also, the company will take advantage of powerful internet avenues such as vine, which is an image sharing site that a company can post their strongest visual assets, and link them to their web pages to hopefully acquire a high volume of traffic. So, therefore, using all these various strategies is how the organization will communicate its competitive advantage to the clients. b. Using the AIDA principle will help the company communicate effectively to the customers about the benefits of choosing Chill Zone's accessories over the competition. Attention, gaining the attention of potential customers is paramount to financial success. In the media market, today a company needs to be swift and direct to catch people's attention. Moreover, this can be done through powerful words and pictures that will grab a person's attention. Some things that the company will be doing is for example, integrated marketing. Also, through offering coupons and free trials through some of the vendors that push out products. Coupons and free trials generates word of mouth and enables a company to reach customers it otherwise had no chance of attracting to the brand. Interest, is probably the most challenging stage in the AIDA model: Once you've got the consideration of your target audience, you must engage with them to spend their time understanding your message in better detail. Chill Zone will do this by focusing on customer needs. For example, continuing to find innovative ways to improve the product line which is already vital to phone protection is substantial to have great success in the interest category. Desire, Truthfully, the interest and desire portions of the AIDA model complement one another. While building, the patrons interest the company will also help them understand how what we are offering can help them in real time. Skillfully, by appealing to their personal wants and needs by providing quality phone coolers and other accessories at a very low price at a time where the economy is not great should help Chill Zone stand out amongst the competitors. Cleverly, the company links features with benefits in such a way by first, selling top quality merchandise by using carbon fiber material for example, and beautifully finished durable plastic covering that is sure to gain the desire of many in the market for phone accessories. Executives, are expecting that this will tap into their psyche and optimistically this will help reach our essential point. Action: Lastly, by being very transparent about what we want our customers to do. For example, on all the social media links, blogs, and other avenues such phrases like visit now for in-depth information is essential rather than leaving it up to the customers to figure out how to follow. c. All the above is relevant to the target audience because using the AIDA model will help to certify that the business, whose resolution is to get the audience to do something, is as operative as possible. First it must harness the target audience's attention, and engage in some form of hyperbole to gain their interest. Then it must shape a desire for the merchandise offering, before revealing how to take the appropriate action that the firm wants the audience to take. 3. How would you vary your ad for different media platforms? How would you alter the schedule to air it for maximum coverage with minimal expense? a. Varying ads for various media platforms will happen by using integrated marketing. Integrated marketing is a form of using various media to explain or describe what a company is offering. It casts a wide net on the market and allows your business ads to get out to a better mix of customers. Frankly, by using print ads, commercials, blogs, e-mail campaigns, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, etc. Chill Zone Phone Covers Inc. will optimistically separate from the competition. Furthermore, the company will coordinate messages across all platforms to ensure all interested customers hear one message. Strategically, this will allow the company to vary when the news airs on different platforms. Also, this will target different markets when they need it and prevent overspending. Managing the budget is key as the company will contribute to a weekly blog, and executives are directing the posts traffic to social media websites such for example, Facebook, Twitter, and Snap Chat, where millennials have shown to be a thriving community. Also, the company will encourage satisfied customers to engage in uploading 1 to 2 minute videos on YouTube in a special promotion by giving incentives like for example, if the video receives 20 views a gift card will be sent to the uploader. These videos will depict how the products and services work and how it can benefit potential clients. During peak months like Christmas for example, the company can run radio ads or use billboards to cast a wider marketing net. In Contrast, during slower months scaling down these ads in favor of smaller ones such as special offer ads would be the direction Chill Zone would take to keep profits flowing. All the various strategies should aid the customers to get a consistent message across a large verity of marketing outlets and each outlet should heighten one another. The goal is for the movement to resonate with people and for them to become astute constituents in the company's products and services. b. Varying the airing schedule can be done through using social media where potential clients have 24/7 access to ads. Using social media doesn't require waiting to hear about something on a radio ad or reading it in a newspaper. Millions of people are on blogs or Facebook, for example, every day, and it is critical that the company positions itself where these customers are. At peak seasons customers are usually out shopping for gifts. So, therefore, this is the time when it will be beneficial to have more drastic adds such as on television or radio or reaching out to distributors to run special promotions to people that by the company's products. c. This plan is significant to the target market because the wider the marketing net the faster the message about company services should reach clients. Marketing versatility is key here, and Chill Zone will engage in finding new ways to separate from their competitors and stay innovative in the industry. I wanted to make sure you gain all the points you can for this week's post and according to the Rubric please make sure you do the following: 1. Tell us about your company or product. What is your unique selling proposition? How do you distinguish your product or company from your competitors? a b c d 2 a b c 3 a b c 4 Review your company/product Provides USP for product/company (unique selling proposition is your brand's competitive advantage which captures why a customer would buy from you and not your competitor) Describes competitors' product/ company Provides why your USP will help your company standout from the competition. Providing a real life example in the comparison would be helpful. Now, think about how to communicate this information using the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) principle. Describe your ad and promotion. Describe an ad and your promotional ideas that communicate your competitive advantage Use AIDA - describe how you would draw attention, interest, desire, and action (be specific and use text book for clarity) Attention: Interest: Desire: Action: Why is this relevant to the target market? How would you vary your ad for different media platforms? How would you vary the schedule to air it for maximum coverage with minimal expense? Use different media in describing the promotion (print ads, TV, social media (email campaigns, community boards, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), billboards, signage, etc.). Describes how to vary the airing schedule Why this plan is significant to the target market(s). Be free from grammar, spelling, or other formatting mistakes. Respond to a peer, add content or questions to further the discussion. Remember to name your peer in your response. Running head: MKT500 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION BOARD 1. Tell us about your company or product. What is your unique selling proposition? How do you distinguish your product or company from your competitors? a. Sylex, Inc., a publicly traded company, is the company under consideration. The company is engaged in designing, developing and selling watches since 1996. The company is pioneer in watch industry and is all set to launch its smartwatch under the brand name of 'Xylose'. The slogan of the upcoming watch is 'Xylose: The essence of your lifestyle'. Manufacturing facilities of the company are located at San Diego and its workforce is 3,600 employees. Unique selling proposition (USP) is a feature of the product that makes it different from the other prevailing products of the competitors. It makes the product to look more valuable or exclusive. Smartwatch of other competitors, such as The USP of Xylose smartwatch is its gold casing and innovative design that makes it look different from product of other competitors. This feature will make the watch look different and more attractive from other smartwatch. b. The prime competitor of the Xylose is the Apple smartwatch. It holds a large market in North American continent. The company is well known for its other products such as iPhones, iPads, computers, etc. The products of Apple are sold worldwide and it has manufacturing facilities in various countries of the world. The smartwatch of Apple, Inc. is highly priced as the competition is low in smartwatch segment. They charge too much price for their products stating high technology and quality. c. The USP of Xylose will break the ice as it will be high quality watch with lower price tag. The innovative features of the watch that are not provided by any other producer in smartwatch space will enable the smartwatch to stand out from the competition. Targeting emerging markets will also facilitate to capture different segment of market that is least exploited by big names, such as Apple, Inc. Distinction from Other Competitors MKT500 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION BOARD The company has a high reputation in the watch industry as it has always provided with high quality product. The customers are loyal for the products of company and make repeated purchases. The company keeps on making matchless innovation in its products and facilitates customers with distinctive features. The upcoming smartwatch is also one of such product as it has unique innovative features with a lower price tag. The other USP of the company is that it will promote and market its smartwatch in emerging economies which are relatively less tapped markets by the customers. 2. Now, think about how to communicate this information using the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) principle. Describe your ad and promotion. a. Advertisements have tremendous impact on the potential customers. A number of customers are derived from glamorous advertising. The Xylose smartwatch is a high style product that will be used by the customers like jewelry. So to gain the competitive advantage and to communicate the product to the potential customers the company will be showing top Hollywood actors and actresses and few billionaires of United States endorsing the smartwatch with the slogan. b. The AIDA principle stands for attention, interest, desire and action. This principle includes four steps that are required to attract the customers to review the product or to purchase it. DeMers, J. (2013) suggested that \"If you follow AIDA in a piece that you write, you guide consumers along the experience funnel.\" To attract attention of the customers it is emphasized to make use of powerful words or the pictures that are eye catching. They stop the reader's eye and make them to read about the product. The company will use attractive pictures and powerful word in its ad and promotion. Making the reader interested about the product is more challenging than grabbing attention. It requires the advertiser to focus on the needs of the customer. It can be done MKT500 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION BOARD by using headings, bullets or subheadings and making the text more understanding. The advertising material of the company will be more narrative to facilitate the customer to understand better the offering. The desire element of AIDA principle refers to creating the interest of reader and making him understand that the product he is viewing can help him in real sense. It needs to appeal needs and wants of the reader. The advertising will be focused on the wants and needs of the customers. The make the reader to initiate action it is required to be skeptical about marketing claims. The company will use its past performance in market to make the customer purchase the smartwatch. c. It is relevant to the target market because the elements of AIDA principal have a high impact on the minds and behavior of the customers. It enables the communication about the product to the target market in an effective manner. It creates an appeal among the target market and encourages the potential customers to purchase the product as it focuses on the needs of the customers. How would you vary your ad for different media platforms? How would you vary the schedule to air it for maximum coverage with minimal expense? a. The advertising of the smartwatch will use various sources of media such as internet, print media, social media, television channels, multiplex, etc. The advertising activities of the smartwatch will start 45 days before the launch of the product. The print media will include the advertisement in newspapers, magazines and souvenirs. This advertisement will include the pictures of famous personalities and stars endorsing the brand. The written content will be less but appealing. It will use powerful words and bullet points to facilitate the reader to understand the advertisement better. MKT500 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION BOARD b. The advertisement aired on television will also show the endorsement of brand by start and will also include their voice. The sound will also emphasize and describe the features of the smartwatch. The advertisement on internet and social medial will be in form of video as well as images. Video ad will be featured on various websites such as,, etc. The ad in form of image will be on other famous websites such as,,, etc. c. To gain maximum coverage with minimal expenditure the strategy will be to start advertising campaign with print media. It is relatively cheaper as compared to other sources of advertising. It will enable the potential customers to have a glimpse of the smartwatch and to read its features and specifications. Kiosks will be placed in multiplexes where the customers can view the smartwatch physically and can check that how it appears on their wrist. Fifteen days before the launch the advertisement will be aired on television channels, internet and social networking websites and the frequency of the advertisement will keep on increase day by day as it come closer to the launch of the smartwatch. It will facilitate the company to gain maximum publicity with minimal expense. References DeMers, J. (2013) How To Use The AIDA Formula To Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy. Retrieved from: 2013 2013 Cengage Cengage Learning. Learning. All Rights All Rights Reserved. Reserved. MayMay not not be scanned, be scanned, copied copied or duplicated, or duplicated, or posted or posted to atopublicly a publicly accessible accessible website, website, in whole in whole or inorpart. in part. 11.1 1 1 Advertising Messages and Marketing Communication 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11. 2 Marketing Framework 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.3 Advertising Advertising Primary means to communicate with customers It can be difficult to measure effectiveness Integrated Marketing Communications Maintain message's holistic nature across all media choices 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.4 Why is Advertising Important? Advertising Facilitates customers' awareness and knowledge by providing information Attempts to persuade potential customers that the brand is superior Has both short-term and long-term effects Is expected to generate sales but it is hard to \"prove\" Advertising effects are cumulative 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.5 Goals of Advertising AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action Advertising should influence Cognition: awareness and knowledge Affect: attitudes and associations Behavior: actions 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.6 Goals of Advertising Advertising goals and product lifecycle stages Introduction: awareness and information Growth: enhance positive attitudes Maturity: remind consumers Decline: reductions in ad spending 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.7 Designing Advertising Messages Communication has three components 1. The source encodes a message (the firm) 2. The message (the ad) 3. The receiver decodes the message (customer) Copy testing is important 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.8 Designing Cognitive Ads Cognitive ads Engage the consumer's brain One-sided Two-sided 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.9 Designing Cognitive Ads Noncomparative ad One brand is mentioned and its features, attributes, image, etc. are conveyed 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.10 Designing Cognitive Ads Comparative ad Brand and competitive brand are mentioned 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.11 Designing Cognitive Ads Product demonstration ads Vivid & make consumers' expectations clear 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.12 Designing Cognitive Ads Drama ads A problem is depicted and the brand is featured as the solution 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.13 Designing Emotional Ads Humor ads May break through clutter & be buzz-worthy 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.14 Designing Emotional Ads Fear ads Use negative emotions For a fear appeal to be effective, the ad must provide a solution to reduce the consumer's fear 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.15 Designing Emotional Ads Subliminal ads Shown fast enough that viewers cannot point to the ad 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.16 Designing Emotional Ads Image ads Are more abstract; used to convey an image 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.17 Designing Emotional Ads Endorsement ads Have a brand spokesperson 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.18 How Endorsements Work Elaboration Likelihood Model Central and peripheral routes Source credibility Sleeper effect 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.19 Evaluating Advertising Cognitive ads (awareness & knowledge) 1. Day after recall tests (DAR) 2. Recognition tests Mere exposure 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.20 Evaluating Advertising Affective ads (image and preference) 1. Concept testing 2. Copy testing 3. Attitudes 4. Dial procedures 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.21 Managerial Recap Set goals in order to evaluate ads Classes of ad messages Rational or cognitive ads One- and two-side arguments, comparative and noncomparative ads, product demonstrations and dramas Emotional ads Humorous and fear-inducing appeals, image, and endorsements 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.22 Managerial Recap Advertising is tested via Concept and copy testing Memory tests (recall and recognition) Attitudinal tests, and Behavioral measures 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 11.23 2013 2013 Cengage Cengage Learning. Learning. All Rights All Rights Reserved. Reserved. MayMay not not be scanned, be scanned, copied copied or duplicated, or duplicated, or posted or posted to atopublicly a publicly accessible accessible website, website, in whole in whole or inorpart. in part. 12.1 1 2 Integrated Marketing Communications and Media Choices 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12. 2 Marketing Framework 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.3 What Media Decisions Are Made? 1. How much to spend 2. When to schedule the ads 3. Which media to use 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.4 How Much to Spend 1.Percentage of sales 2.Competitive parity 3.Strategic advertising goal 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.5 How Much to Spend Reach Frequency GRPs 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.6 When to Schedule It costs more to get higher ratings However, the relationship is not perfect 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.7 When to Schedule Continuous Occasional Seasonal 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.8 Which Media The choice of media outlet is difficult because... There are more media outlets Audiences are fragmented across the many media and use technology to zip past ads 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.9 Which Media Integrated Marketing Communication When advertising across media Consider the company's overarching strategy Ensure a consistent message Play to each media's strength 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.10 Which Media 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.11 Which Media Media comparisons TV ads Magazines Radio and newspapers Billboards Online Direct mail 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.12 Which Media 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.13 Personal Selling Personal Selling Is especially important for expensive, complicated products 1. How many sales people do I need? 2. Where do I deploy them? 3. How do I compensate them? 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.14 Designing a Sales Force Pull Direct promotional efforts to consumers Push Direct promotional efforts to channel Relies more on personal selling 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.15 Public Relations Public relations Convey a positive image and educate a constituency about the company Constituencies include Customers, suppliers, stockholders, government, employees, general community Publicity 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.16 Public Relations PR people Issue press kits Maintain company information on website Arrange events Handle negative publicity and encourage positive publicity 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.17 Other Promotional Tools Product placement Event sponsorship Sales promotions 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.18 Promotional Choice Depends on Goals Additional questions to consider: Should we schedule continuously, occasionally or seasonally? What is the consumer's purchase cycle? What is the level of saturation desired? What life cycle stage is the product in? What can we afford? What is best for our target? What do we want the target to know? 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.19 Integrated Marketing Communications 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.20 Assessing Media Effectiveness If goal is awareness, reach matters Measure viewership, readership, circulation numbers, traffic indices, etc. If goal is attitudinal, use surveys Online advertising Track click-thru rates, downloads, inquiries, purchases, returns, etc. and compare with cost per click, per download, per acquisition, etc. 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.21 Managerial Recap Decisions about expenditure and timing are integral to promotional campaigns Marketers must integrate marketing communications The effectiveness of advertising is measured using long-term and short-term measures 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12.22 Running head: MKT500 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION BOARD 1. Tell us about your company or product. What is your unique selling proposition? How do you distinguish your product or company from your competitors? a. Sylex, Inc., a publicly traded company, is the company under consideration. The company is engaged in designing, developing and selling watches since 1996. The company is pioneer in watch industry and is all set to launch its smartwatch under the brand name of 'Xylose'. The slogan of the upcoming watch is 'Xylose: The essence of your lifestyle'. Manufacturing facilities of the company are located at San Diego and its workforce is 3,600 employees. The USP of smartwatch of other competitors, such as Apple, Inc., Qualcomm, Pebble, etc. are the apps, playing music, etc. The USP of Xylose smartwatch is its gold casing and innovative design that makes it look different from product of other competitors. This feature will make the watch look different and more attractive from other smartwatch. b. The prime competitor of the Xylose is the Apple smartwatch. It holds a large market in North American continent. The company is well known for its other products such as iPhones, iPads, computers, etc. The products of Apple are sold worldwide and it has manufacturing facilities in various countries of the world. The smartwatch of Apple, Inc. is highly priced as the competition is low in smartwatch segment. They charge too much price for their products stating high technology and quality. Reisinger, D. (2016) opined that Apple, Inc. dominates the smartwatch market with 33.5% of market share. Kahn, J. (2016) analyzed the sale of smartwatch and found that Apple, Inc. sold 1.5 million smartwatch during first quarter of 2016, followed by 0.7 million and 0.4 million of Samsung and Motorola. c. The USP of Xylose will break the ice as it will be high quality watch with lower price tag. The innovative features of the watch that are not prov

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