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Module 05 Content Background Having a comprehensive understanding of curriculum models and approaches to early childhood education can give you an appreciation of the


Module 05 Content Background Having a comprehensive understanding of curriculum models and approaches to early childhood education can give you an appreciation of the many options available to support individual children's needs and development. You will conduct some research on these models/approaches culminating in a comprehensive comparison chart and analysis on which of these models/approaches best supports both intentional teaching and differentiated instruction and why. Directions Part 1: Research . Research three educational approaches/curriculum models used in early childhood programs which you have not used in your program or experience. Select from the following approaches: High Scope, Waldorf, Bank Street, Emergent Curriculum, Creative Curriculum, Project Approach, Montessori, or Reggio Emilia. Look for the following information: Program history Main components including social aspects, curriculum, and environmental set up What is unique about the program? How can an outsider tell if a program is truly following the model? Part 2: Compare and Contrast Create a chart to compare and contrast your three chosen educational approaches/curriculum models in the following areas: Educational programs and practices Children's health and safety Physical environment Child's mental health and social/emotional well-being Part 3: Differentiated Instruction Include a determination on which one of the three methods you believe would best support both intentional teaching practices and differentiated instruction. Provide rationale using specific details about the method from your research including in-text citations where needed. Include research to support your determination. Make sure to: 1. Include APA citations to all sources used for this assignment, including a title page and reference page in APA format. Also include in text citations, if appropriate. You will need to cite at least two resources that were used to collect information for this assignment. You may use resources from the course lesson content or the Rasmussen library. 2. All work should be formatted professionally and use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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