Pi Corp acquires Rho Ltd. for $130,000,000 in cash and accounts for its investment as a merger. Rhos balance sheet at the date of acquisition
Pi Corp acquires Rho Ltd. for $130,000,000 in cash and accounts for its investment as a merger. Rho’s balance sheet at the date of acquisition is as follows:
Assets | Amount | Liabilities and Equity | Amount |
Current assets | $11,000,000 | Liabilities | $60,000,000 |
Property, net | $75,000,000 | Equity | $26,000,000 |
Total assets | $86,000,000 | Total liabilities and equity | $86,000,000 |
The fair value of Rho’s current assets is $1,100,000 less than book value. The fair value of its property is $20,000,000 less than book value. The book value of its liabilities approximates fair value. There are no unreported assets or liabilities.
Requirement: How much goodwill does Pi report for this acquisition?
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