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Probability: Mathematics The metrics of Human Spirit High School can participate in Drama, Choir or Sport. There are 120 matrics, of whom . 65 participate

Probability: Mathematics The metrics of Human Spirit High School can participate in Drama, Choir or Sport. There are 120 matrics, of whom . 65 participate in Drama, 57 participate in Sport and 13 participate in Choir only. . 32 participate in Drama and Choir. . 7 participate in Choir and Sport, but not Drama. x participate in Drama and Sport, but not Choir. . 10 participate in all three activities. . 10 matrics don't participate in any of these activities. Determine the value of x. Determine the probability that a randomly chosen learner participates in Drama only. both Choir and Sport. SEEEE neither Drama nor Sport. at least one of these activities. at most two of these activities

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(d) The matrics of Human Spirit High School can participate in Drama, Choir or Sport. There are 120 matrics, of whom 65 participate in Drama, 57 participate in Sport and 13 participate in Choir only. 32 participate in Drama and Choir. 7 participate in Choir and Sport, but not Drama. x participate in Drama and Sport, but not Choir. 10 participate in all three activities. 10 matrics don't participate in any of these activities. (1) Determine the value of x. (2) Determine the probability that a randomly chosen learner participates in (i) Drama only. both Choir and Sport. (ii) (iii) neither Drama nor Sport. (iv) at least one of these activities. (v) at most two of these activities.

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